Getting Started – Address Book

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Import your contacts from Outlook (native)

Import your contacts from Gmail, LinkedIn, iCloud or other webmail

Import your contacts from a CSV file

Import your contacts via spreadsheet copy/paste

Add a company

Add a contact

Edit a company

Edit a contact

Delete a company

Step 1:  Go to your address book

Navigate to your address book and locate the company you would like to delete.

Note: companies that are already part of the Webuild network (entered by someone else) cannot be edited.

Step 2:  Open the company details page

Click the company name to open the company details page. Select “Remove” in the top right corner.

Step 3: Remove the company

Click remove in the open dialogue box to delete the company.

Delete a contact

This article will teach you how to delete a contact in your organisation’s address book.

Note: Contacts that are already part of the Webuild network (entered by someone else) cannot be deleted.

Step 1:  Go to your address book

Navigate to your address book and locate the company to which belongs the contact that you would like to delete.

Step 2:  Open the company details page

Click the company name to open the company details page. Select “CONTACTS” in the top left corner to open the contacts page.

Step 3: Edit the details of the contact

Select the contact you want to delete and press “Remove”.

Add a review to a company

What are reviews and why are they useful?

A review (of a company) is an evaluation of services performed, taking in to account timeliness, cost, quality and the professionalism of company representatives.

In a construction setting, it is useful to have a log of company reviews readily available for team members in order to differentiate between companies that have performed well, and those that have performed poorly on past projects.

This ensures that team members (in particular, new team members) avoid problematic companies and only deal with contacts that can complete the related works efficiently and without hassle.

Note: No-one from outside of your organisation can see your company’s reviews. These are visible to your organisation’s users only.

Add a review to a company

To add a review, click in to a company, scroll down to the “Reviews” section and click the “GET STARTED” (or “+ADD REVIEW”) button.

Once the “Add review” dialogue pops up, you can start by clicking the number of stars you believe is the company you are reviewing deserve. After typing in a comment from your review, click the “SAVE” button and your review will be added.

Edit a review of a company

Remove a review from a company

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